Seems this week the news is riddled with reports of rock throwing, road rage, and probably more acts of vandalism that hasn’t been reported, are all being blamed on the Right Wing Nuts.
Here we go again. Blame Bush. Blame the Right Wing “Fringe.”
How many other names have the right wingers been called? I can’t remember them all, but a few like “nazi”, “lunatic”, “nut job”, and “thug” stand out this morning as I sip my coffee.
My Saturday morning coffee is all that keeps me going these days. I mean, after all, the country is doomed, but I have my coffee.
Oh, sorry. I got on the wrong track…
Anyway, we all know what is going on. The White House has ordered the latest round of smear tactics to discredit the right wing conservative Tea movement. The same old tactic of “destroy the enemy” at any cost. And, while I have not wasted my money on the Saul Alinsky book yet, “Rules for Radicals” I do believe that this is a well talked about tactic in that book.
Folks, violence isn’t the answer here. We must form a well informed public whose vote will be the answer to our current problem come November of this year and in 2012.
Personally, I hope the impeachment trials kick in long before that – or, someone of high authority arrests this President for fraud and treason.
Keep the faith and Keep your wits about you. DON’T DO STUPID THINGS!